High Performance Leadership Training Taught by Two Acclaimed Experts in Fire Department Leadership
The calendar is filling up fast
Options for 4-day academy, or 3-day academy followed by 4 monthly classes (1-2 hours, flexible scheduling) and 2 coaching and 2 mentoring sessions
Combining peer support, building networks, 1:1 leadership coaching and mentoring, great content, facilitation, accountability for results
Instructed By: Dan Jones, Retired Fire Chief, Chapel Hill Fire Department and Kelly Walsh, M. Ed., Leadership Coach, former HR Partner for Mesa, AZ Fire and Medical Department
Each and every session is about bringing back ONE THING to the fire department in order to have impact
Class format is engaging, energizing, and relevant to today's fire service
Great ROI to the department, practical with an emphasis on RESULTS
You will have Officers that can solve problems and will see fewer issues coming to the Fire Chief’s desk
This engaging academy helps current emergency service leaders to:
Use skills they already know to prevent people problems
Learn key areas of focus to improve the impact of their job performance
Have access to over 20 leadership tools they can take back and use immediately
Engage and develop the employees working on their teams
Develop a flexible style in order to lead everyone, no matter their age or style
Think on a more comprehensive level about advancing their department’s success
More Detailed Information Coming Soon
Brave Fire Leader Academy - Online Cohort
30 Years of Cultivating Fire Leaders
Highly Acclaimed Fire Leadership Training
Together we have taught more than a hundred fire departments across the United States and at least three to four times that number of personnel.
Chief Dan and I were introduced at large fire conference when he was still the Chief of Chapel Hill, NC Fire Department. I was reconnecting with the Fire Service when Dan retired and we had some meetings to talk about our leadership philosophies and realized that we were very good compliments to each other….we agree about 80% of the time and the rest we have good discussions about issues that are rarely black and white. We are both passionate about developing Fire Service leaders.
We have been working together since 2015 and have taught High Performance Leadership around the US. We have heard from students that there has been a need for this type of Fire specific leadership training and they have enjoyed the results they are getting by using the many tools given – tools that can be used immediately in their work environments. Participants have also enjoyed the coaching and mentoring that follows our class work. These sessions have helped us track the promotions and initiatives (mentoring programs, improved communication, higher employee engagement, and more) started by graduates.
Good leadership training for our fire officers and rising chief officers is one of the most over looked advantages you can provide to your department. We depend on our officers to serve the public, develop our personnel,
maintain our resources, enforce our policies, represent our department, respond and mitigate emergencies and engage our workforce, but who taught them all the skills they need to be successful at that? How many problems and issues take up your time that you wish at been properly handled at a lower supervisory level?
The good news is that we can help. Kelly Walsh, a Fire Leadership Consultant, and myself, an experienced Fire Chief and long-time instructor, have teamed up to bring you solutions to address these critical needs. We have taught at more than a hundred fire departments across the United States and trained three or four times as many personnel.
Make no mistake about this program, it is not about fire ground strategy or tactics, it is about leading people, managing resources and being responsible for the Department’s mission and values. Departments who have participated in this program report significant improvement in their overall supervision and officer engagement. Contact us today about how to include your officers and rising officers in the best investment you can make toward progressing your agency!